Keith Wood

The Artist
KEITH WOOD (1944-2018)
After exploring the width, breadth and depth of acrylic and oil paint for almost 30 years, in 2006 I started using the “encaustic” medium (pigmented molten wax.) I wanted to explore a new medium and apply its attributes to my work.
Encaustic is light – a key element of my work. To take advantage of the attributes of the medium it is best to work in transparent layers. Unlike oil or acrylic, the added pigment is suspended in the molten wax as opposed to being emulsified. The refraction of light through the layers of wax creates the appearance of light coming from within the work.
I work in the abstract genre, broad natural forms with evidence of the process and stages of development the work has emerged from. I rarely do preliminary sketches or drawings. If I want to capture or retain a thought I usually write it as opposed to drawing it.
Every painting has an intent which one must sense, then act on. Just as a jazz musician dialogues with his instrument, creating a work of art involves an intense dialogue with the work throughout the process.
-Keith Wood